Ave Anniste
Head of Communications
ave.anniste@humanrights.eeThe Estonian Human Rights Centre is an independent, non-governmental organization that advocates for human rights. It was founded in December 2009 and has quickly become the most well-known human rights NGO in Estonia.
The mission of the Estonian Human Rights Centre is to create a society in Estonia that respects the human rights of every person. Its vision for 2025 is for Estonia to be an open society where human rights are important and guaranteed by the state, and where everyone knows that their rights, as well as the rights of others, deserve protection.
EHRC develops its activities according to the needs of the society. Our focus is currently on the advancement of equal treatment of minority groups, diversity & inclusion, action against hate, data protection issues and protection of the human rights of the asylum seekers and refugees. EHRC coordinates the Estonian Diversity Charter. We also monitor the overall human rights situation in Estonia and publish bi-annual independent human rights reports about the situation in Estonia. We are NGO partner for UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency) in Estonia.
EHRC is governed by an independent Council, representing a range of views and societal groups. The Council sets a long term strategy for the EHRC and fulfils other statutory duties such as confirmation of the yearly financial statements. The daily work of the EHRC is managed by Executive Director. See more…
See also the Articles of Association (PDF) and Certificate of Registration (PDF).
Estonian Human Rights Centre is registered in the Fundamental Rights Platform of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRP).
Estonian Human Rights Centre is the implementing partner for UNHCR in Estonia. Together we help asylum seekers and refugees to protect their human rights.
EHRC belongs to networks that help to achieve our mission.
EHRC is a full member of the following international networks:
EHRC belongs to the following Estonian NGO networks:
EHRC has special consultative status at the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This enables us to submit written statements to and participate at events of different United Nations bodies, including the Human Rights Council.
Head of Communications
ave.anniste@humanrights.eeProject and Office Manager
joosep.nahkor@humanrights.eeExecutive Director
egert.rynne@humanrights.eeHead of Litigation
olga.vaarmann@humanrights.eeApproved by the Supervisory Council on January 25, 2021
Mission: We work together for Estonia that respects the human rights of each person.
Vision 2025: Estonia is an open society where human rights are important and supported by the government. Every person knows that their and others’ rights deserve to be protected.
Goal 1: Estonia is an open society where human rights are important, protected and guaranteed.
Goal 2: Every person knows that their and others’ rights deserve to be protected.
Estonia is an open society where human rights are important and protected. | Prerequisites for equal opportunities are created by valuing diversity. | - diversity agreement network is expanding - the number of diversity label owners is growing - diversity agreement members attend training actively - number of events to celebrate diversity day is growing - funding for diversity and inclusivity area comes from different sources |
Attention has been drawn to topics related to discrimination and human rights; specific places of concern have been tackled by strategic litigation. | - at least three strategic litigation cases have been dealt within a year - the number of lawyers and attorneys who are interested in cooperation is growing - every strategic litigation case has a plan of action and communication with donation activities for funding the case - there is a web-based tool for potential plaintiffs to test whether their case is related to discrimination |
Efficient and high quality legal aid is ensured for asylum seekers and refugees. | - primary legal consultation is offered to most of the asylum seekers in Estonia - at least five strategic cases have been dealt with in a year - area is funded from different sources |
Every person’s sense of security is increased by fighting prevalent hostility in the society. | - basic research is conducted on hate crimes in Estonia - there is a permanent funding for fighting hate speech and hate crimes |
Every person knows that their and others’ rights deserve to be protected. | Awareness on human rights has improved. | - number of people who know what human rights are, is growing (at least 70%) - report “Human rights in Estonia” has been published every other year - study about public opinion on topics related to LGBTQ has been published every other year - input has been given to every political initiative and draft which we have competence for - Human rights guide platform is visited more often |
People and organisations, who think standing up for human rights is important, have been brought together all over Estonia. | - human rights ambassadors program is a functional network with at least 15 ambassadors in 9 counties - volunteer feedback shows that they understand their tasks - there are 200 permanent donors and the sum of yearly donations covers EHRC’s indirect costs - equal treatment network is working actively - information channels have 14 000 regular visitors website traffic has risen from year to year |
The competence and scope of activity of Human Rights Centre has been increased. | - there has been an active contribution to the work of networks and organisations from Europe and all over the world - work has been started in regard to data protection and privacy - employees are informed on the centre’s goals, they are motivated and satisfied - the number of spokespersons has been growing along with speeches and appearances on media - funding comes from at least eight different sources in a year |
The strategy is supplemented by an annual action plan that takes into account the outlook for the near future. An action plan is approved by the board no later than December of the previous year. The implementation of the action plan is reviewed and assessed at the end of the year.
The activities of Estonia Human Rights Centre are possible thanks to donations and grants. We also generate some income from studies and trainings. You can help in many ways, including by donating.
The members of the Supervisory Council of Estonian Human Rights Centre are:
Former members:
Feel free to contact us with questions, proposals and comments. Please note, however, that although we make all efforts to respond in a timely manner, we are under no obligation to do so. We may not respond to your request in case it is irrelevant or outside of the scope of our activities.
Postal address:
Eesti Inimõiguste Keskus
Ahtri 8
10151 Tallinn
E-mail: info@humanrights.ee
Twitter: @EIK_anneta
Facebook: @humanrightscentre
Telephone: (+372) 644 5148
Fax: (+372) 646 5148
Do you have a complaint or a tip about a member of our staff, a council member or our partner? Please use the form below or the e-mail address complaint@humanrights.ee to submit the complaint directly to the Executive Director or the Supervisory Council. The complaint will be addressed within three weeks. If your complaint is not about a member of our staff or our partner, then please contact us at info@humanrights.ee.
The complaint proceedings are described in the EHRC Guide for the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment.
We are conveniently located in the city centre of Tallinn, at the World Trade Center Tallinn complex, at Ahtri 8 building. Please take the elevator to the sixth floor and call with the intercom. Please make sure you make an appointment before you visit, as our staff might be out of office at any time during the day.
Here is our location on the map of Tallinn: