The main objective of the project is to raise awareness of the general public in Estonia about refugees, asylum seekers, persons with subsidiary or temporary protection and human trafficking victims, since it is one of the main agendas of the Human Rights Centre’s communications strategy for the following 3 years.

The direct objectives are:

  • Raising awareness among the Estonian general public about asylum seekers – both of all in general (that they exist in Estonia) and in the other hand giving an overview about the reasons why they need the international protection;
  • Increasing tolerance for different cultures and towards people who need international protection;
  • Increasing the knowledge among students from Estonian universities about asylum seekers and refugees (law, political, social aspect);
  • Raising awareness among Estonian journalists so they would have the necessary competence to discuss the issues of asylum seekers and refugees.

The activities carried out are divided into three categories:

  • Awareness raising activities
  • Lecture series in universities
  • Trainings for journalists