The Centre has finalised its strategy for the next 5 years

On January 25th, the Supervisory Council of the Estonian Human Rights Centre approved the new strategy for the centre for 2021–2025. 
The strategy has two main goals:
  1. Estonia is an open society, where human rights are important, protected, and guaranteed.

  2. Every person knows that their and others’ rights deserve to be protected.

Katrin Nyman-Metcalf, chairperson of the Supervisory Council, says that the last couple of years have shown how fragile protecting human rights can be, even in a country which has had democratic rule of law for decades.

“We saw it in Estonia, but there are other examples in both Europe and the rest of the world, and unfortunately this challenge will be an ongoing one for a long time. It reminds us that human rights are not just minority rights, but concern all of us,” the chairperson said. In her opinion, the Centre’s new strategy also reflects this.

“The Centre continues to support groups who are especially vulnerable, such as refugees. Through strategic litigation we also have the chance to support those who need help in specific situations – in situations which couldn’t have been foreseen far in advance. In addition, our diversity work means that the role of human rights is on the agenda in society at all times. The new strategy offers more opportunities to include an even bigger part of society,” said Katrin Nyman-Metcalf, introducing the plans for the next five years.

“I think that the Human Rights Centre will become more famous and better known by the year and will be recognised both in Estonia and abroad as a competent and important organisation in the society,” the chairperson declared.

Have a look at the strategy! The strategy is complemented by an annual action plan, which takes into account the outlook for the near future.

Since you are here...

It is important to protect everyone’s human rights, because it helps to keep stability and peace in the society. There are many challenges for protection of human rights in Estonia: intolerance has really come out of the closet. Bad things happen when good people are too passive, but together we can make a change.

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