New members to the Diversity Charter

In the middle of February, the Estonian Diversity Charter welcomed three new members: manufacturer of process equipment Estanc AS, four star hotel in Tallinn Old Town My City Hotel and international financial technology company Aasa Global OÜ.

Estanc AS is focused on export, taking 95% of its produce to different countries outside of Estonia and the 140 employees of the company have set a goal of changing the world more sustainable by process /tehnika/. The diversity of the world is a daily benefit and challenge for them.

My City Hotel is one of the top hotels in Estonia according to visitors’ ratings. For them, all their guests are special, as well as their 20 diverse employees. Hotel manager Killu Maidla says that different languages, skin colours, religions, food and traditions enrich their lives every day, and the employees have an open mind and an open heart.

Aasa Global OÜ has their headquarters in Tallinn, but does business also in Finland, Poland and Czheck Republic having call centres and offices in Tartu, Warsaw, Helsinki and Stockholm. The pays high attention to an inclusive and respectful work climate and the exciting differences of different countries.

The companies signed the Diversity Charter at a seminar where newer and older members of the charter discussed the ideas and activities for this years Diversity Day, which will be held on 25th of April.

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