More than 100 people contributed to help protect human rights
Our donation campaign of this summer came to a close last week. We received a total of 5400 euros as … Continued
Our donation campaign of this summer came to a close last week. We received a total of 5400 euros as … Continued
In less than one week, 55 supporters donated 2695 euros to the human rights centre. That’s an amazing result. By … Continued
ESTONIAN HUMAN RIGHTS CENTRE Press release The Supreme Court today decided that Sarah and Kristiina Raud, the Estonian-American lesbian couple, … Continued
For 7 years, the participants of diversity charters all over Europe have met at least twice a year to discuss … Continued
Kari Käsper, the director of the Estonian Human Rights Centre, has been advising GeSI, a group of technology giants, since … Continued
Xhensila has been assisting our legal experts in the field of asylum law since September 2016 and after finishing her … Continued
The US State Department published their yearly human rights report about the situation in the world, including Estonia. The report … Continued