Helen Talalaev
Head of Diversity and Inclusion
helen.talalaev@humanrights.eeDoes your company or organisation value every employee and client irrespective of their background? Does the promotion of diversity and inclusion hold an important place among the values of your organisation?
If yes, your organisation may qualify for obtaining a diversity label.
A diversity label is a quality label that indicates that the company is an attractive employer that is looking for talent to commence work, irrespective of their gender or background. This also sends a values-based message to clients and cooperation partners that the company cares about Estonia and the world and makes its contribution to making it a better place.
The label is administered by the Estonian Human Rights Centre, which is the coordinator of the Estonian Diversity Charter, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
There is an ongoing call for applying for the label with a deadline for submissions on 19 March 2024. Detailed information is provided in Estonian here, but you can apply in English as well if needed. However, since most of the information about the call is in Estonian, you might need someone speaking Estonian in your team. If you have questions, please send an email to helen.talalaev@humanrights.ee.
Head of Diversity and Inclusion