Equal Treatment Act Handbook
Published: 29. June 2022The first two versions of this publication were supported by the European Union employment and social solidarity programme PROGRESS (2007‒2013). This version was funded by the European Economic Area Grants for Active Citizens Fund which, in Estonia, is operated by the Open Estonia Foundation in cooperation with the Network of Non-profit Organizations and the Ministry of Social Affairs.
The authors of the first two versions: Merle Albrant, Marianne Meiorg, Ülle-Marike Papp
The authors of the third version: Marianne Meiorg, Kelly Grossthal
Language editor: Grete Anton
- Preface
- Introduction
- 1 - chapter What is equal treatment?
- 2 - chapter What is dicrimination?
- 3 - chapter Who is responsible and for what?
- 4 - chapter Suspicion of discrimination
- 5 - chapter What happens next?
- Summary
- Resources
- annex 1 Important institutions in Estonia
- Annex 2 Equal treatment norms and prohibition of discrimination in Estonian law
- Annex 3 Prohibition of discrimination in international legislation