The project aims to increase the level of human rights protection in Estonia and to advance and disseminate the principle of equal treatment through wide and network-based strategic advocacy that includes the grassroots level.
In the course of the project, Estonia’s main civil society organisations engaged in human rights and equal treatment advocacy receive new knowledge and skills to work with international and European human rights protection mechanisms, using the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process as an example. They also receive knowledge and skills to communicate rights better and include grassroots levels, also new and developing aspects of human rights and equal treatment.
The main activities include gathering local level inputs for and draft the civil society shadow report for the UPR third cycle review of Estonia due to take place early 2021, and related advocacy activities as well as training of trainers activities based on updated handbook of the Equal Treatment Act. In the course of the project the capacity of the organisations is upgraded and new people have been involved in human rights protection in the local levels.