Workshop by Professor Robert Wintemute

Date: 6. December 2017
Start time: 09:00

On December 6, Prof Robert Wintemute will carry out a workshop “Recognition of same-sex relationships in Europe and Estonia: strategic litigation as a way to move forward?“ in Tallinn.

Robert Wintemute is a Professor of Human Rights Law at King’s College London, United Kingdom, and one of the world’s leading experts on European and international law against discrimination based on sexual orientation.  He represented the third-party interveners in Karner v. Austria (ECtHR, 2003, equal treatment of unmarried same-sex and different-sex couples), E.B. v. France (ECtHR, 2008, adoption of a child by an unmarried lesbian individual), Schalk & Kopf v. Austria (ECtHR, 2010, a same-sex couple has a “family life” under Article 8 of the European Convention), X & Others v. Austria (ECtHR 2013, possibility of second-parent adoption for a lesbian couple because unmarried different-sex couples have access), and Oliari & Others v. Italy (ECtHR, 2015, Article 8 obligation to create a “specific legal framework”, other than marriage, for same-sex couples). 

He represented the applicants in Taddeucci & McCall v. Italy (ECtHR, 2016, access to a residence permit for the non-EU unmarried same-sex partner of an Italian citizen), and advised the lawyers for Coman & Hamilton, a reference from Romania (CJEU hearing on 21 November 2017; does “spouse” in Directive 2004/38 on free movement of EU citizens include a same-sex spouse, who must therefore be granted a residence and work permit?).  He also served as an expert witness in two hearings before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights:  Atala Riffo v. Chile (IACtHR, 2012, lesbian mother lost custody of her three daughters), and Flor Freire v. Ecuador (IACtHR, 2016, man was automatically dismissed from the armed forces for alleged sexual activity with another man in military barracks).  He is the author of “European Law Against Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation” in Boele-Woelki & Fuchs (eds.), Same-Sex Relationships and Beyond: Gender Matters in the EU (Intersentia, 2017). 

Agenda of the workshop:

9.00-9.30 Registration and coffee
9.30-11.00 Workshop
11.00-11.30 Coffee
11.30-13.00 Workshop continues

For participation, please contact Liina Rajaveer from the Estonian Human Rights Centre at

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