- Kelly Grossthal

The leading partner in the project is the Belgian NGO Cavaria. Other project partners are from Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Spain, Estonia, Portugal and the United Kingdom.
The opening seminar of the project will take place in Lithuania, an interim meeting will take place in Hungary and the final conference will be in Bulgaria. Estonia’s main responsibilities are gathering best practice in Europe, writing expert articles and coordinating content creation for the handbook which will be prepared throughout the project.
Project aims
- To increase the ability of law enforcement institutes to react to hate speech and hate crimes against the LGBT community in a way that respects the rights and needs of the victims, by creating strong networks, promoting better practice and developing a ‘tool kit’ that will be taught to law enforcers.
- To increase awareness of hate speech and hate crimes against the LGBT community, to empower the LGBT community to create narratives against online hate speech and to encourage the reporting of online hate speech.
- To promote the use of the principles of restorative justice and rehabilitation services in cases of hate speech and hate crimes against the LGBT community by raising awareness, teaching best practice and boosting cooperation with the police, those leading conciliation procedures and other interest groups.
The project is being funded by the European Commission through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) and the National Foundation of Civil Society to the value of 4100 euros.