International Project Addresses Legal Challenges Associated with the Use of Artificial Intelligence

The increasing deployment of artificial intelligence threatens our fundamental rights. How can we protect ourselves? The Estonian Human Rights Centre, along with partners from Bulgaria, Malta, Greece, and the Netherlands, is participating in the project “Reinforcing Equality and Fundamental Rights in an Artificial Intelligence-Maintained Environment,” which aims to provide developers and legal practitioners facing new challenges with relevant tools.

The project’s goal is to equip legal practitioners with tools that would help protect individuals’ fundamental rights as stipulated in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights against the dangers posed by the deployment of artificial intelligence. The project focuses on the relationship between the design, development, and deployment of artificial intelligence and fundamental rights to raise developers’ awareness of the importance of protecting fundamental rights and to offer legal practitioners solutions for coping with new challenges.

The project has four main outputs:

  • A study (desk research + interviews with experts) that maps out the potential dangers to fundamental rights associated with the use of artificial intelligence.
  • A framework for assessing the impact of artificial intelligence use on fundamental rights + training for developers on the ethical use of artificial intelligence.
  • An online toolkit + relevant training for legal practitioners.
  • A public awareness campaign (videos) about the dangers of using artificial intelligence to fundamental rights.

The activities of the project aim to ensure that the development and use of artificial intelligence are in line with human rights and democratic values, while simultaneously strengthening social cohesion and trust in new technologies.

The project is co-funded by the European Commission and the National Foundation of Civil Society in the amount of 3,695.88 euros.

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