We are delighted that a new assistant, Joosep Nahkor, has joined the Human Rights Centre’s team. Even though Joosep officially started working for the centre last Monday, he has long been involved in our activities as a volunteer. We are pleased to introduce our new colleague to our supporters.
How have you been able to settle in?
So far, I feel that I have been able to successfully settle among you and take over the responsibilities of the previous assistant. However, I’ve had to go through a ton of email conversations to do that. I would say that settling in so far has been a very smooth and promising experience. I feel that all the colleagues have been very helpful and that gives me confidence that I made the right decision by joining the centre’s team.
I have previously been briefly exposed to many of the tasks that now fill my daily schedule. What I think will help me the most in this job position is my natural ability to be organised. An assistant needs to remember a lot of obligations and information, which is why I have already been able to recognise patterns in my responsibilities. By organising these patterns, I can make my life easier.

What have you done in the past?
Life has taken me to places with very different backgrounds. When it comes to my previous jobs and education, I may come off as indecisive. But thanks to the experiences that I got, I feel competent, and I have learned to accept any tasks thrown at me while still keeping my desire to learn. New experiences and knowledge have always been the driving forces in my life, and I hope to gain even more valuable experiences at the centre.
Previously I worked at the Tallinna Kesklinna Sotsiaalkeskus, where I was exposed to a highly diverse set of duties. There were times that I was a caregiver, a photographer at events, an administrator, or an IT teacher. Before that, I worked at a salon as an eyebrow technician and as a helper in a horse stable. At the moment, it is my third year studying Environmental Technology and Management at TTK, and I have in the past helped the student board organise life at school.
Why did you want to work at the human rights centre?
Through volunteer work, I was primarily exposed to the issues related to the LGBT community. At the same time, I also care about animal rights, environmental topics and human rights overall. I started as a volunteer at the human rights centre to be up to date with issues in Estonia and contribute to the development of something important. Because of the pandemic, I felt like I couldn’t contribute enough, which is why I wanted to be even more involved in the centre’s work.
Working in the centre was the logical next step for me. I am not a selfish person. I am always looking for opportunities to contribute and be helpful because it is something that I enjoy. However, I tend to forget that I should get back as much as I put out in the world. Human rights, such as LGBT rights, refugee rights, or employment of the elderly, affect all of us. Now I am actively thinking about everyone around me on a daily basis, and by solving other people’s problems, I am helping the world change into a place that I would love to live in. Knowing that my daily work brings change creates a perfect balance for giving back to myself.

Since you are here...
It is important to protect everyone’s human rights, because it helps to keep stability and peace in the society. There are many challenges for protection of human rights in Estonia: intolerance has really come out of the closet. Bad things happen when good people are too passive, but together we can make a change.
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