Yesterday, 12 Estonian organisations signed the Diversity Charter. A big value-based step was taken by ABB, birkle IT, CyberCube, The Estonian Association of Youth Workers, Enterprise Estonia, Embassy of the Netherlands, Environment Agency, Korruptsioonivaba Eesti (Corruption-Free Estonia), Luidja Tsirkusetalu, LVLup! Video Game Museum, Odeon Bar and the Estonian Patent Office. Thus, 136 organisations have already joined the Charter in Estonia.
By signing the Estonian Diversity Charter, the organisation – the company, NGO, or public body – voluntarily commits to promote diversity and equal opportunities among their employees, partners, as well as clients .
Enterprise Estonia is one of the organisations that joined the Diversity Charter. According to their Head of HR Häli Siimaste, Enterprise Estonia highly values the diversity of employees and follows the principles of equal treatment on a daily basis. “This is so logical for us, because our team is international in every sense – Enterprise Estonia’s foreign offices operate in 16 countries and we have more than 20 employees abroad. In Tallinn they also employ people who have moved here from all over the world. It does not only mean a bilingual work environment, it means respecting people from different backgrounds, their beliefs and values, and equal treatment of everyone as an employer,” explained Siimaste.
Interest in joining the Estonian Diversity Charter has grown steadily. “Against the background of current social and political developments, there are more and more organisations that want to show their openness and values to others. Diversity Charter is one such opportunity,” said Liina Rajaveer, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at the Estonian Human Rights Centre. The organisations that have joined the Diversity Charter form a network to jointly share experiences in managing diversity and promoting the issue in society.
The Diversity Charter began in Estonia in 2012. Similar diversity networks operate in 26 European countries, in Estonia the activities related to the agreement are coordinated by the Estonian Human Rights Centre.

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