The city of Rakvere was again unlawful in their decision regarding Festheart film festival

Once again there’s a reason to cheer and celebrate as the second court dispute concerning the LGBTI+ film festival called Festheart came to a positive conclusion.

The Administrative Court chose to revoke Rakvere city council decision of 30.01.2019, in which the city of Rakvere reduced the financial support of this year’s Festheart film festival happening this autumn, with no explanation. Festheart asked for 1500 euros to organise the festival, but the council disregarded the rules they had established themselves and assigned a mere 300 euros to the film festival. The court declared the city council’s decision unlawful. The Administrative Court adjudicated on a similar matter two weeks prior, concerning the non-financing of the festival in 2018. Read more about the case.

For the court decision concerning this year’s film festival, the city of Rakvere still has to pay out the missing sum.

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