Estonishing Evenings: Could tolerance boost Estonia?

The Estonishing Evenings series continues in Tallinn, this time taking a closer look at tolerance and diversity in Estonia.

“It’s not that gays and diversity equal high technology. But if your culture is not such that it can accept difference, and uniqueness and oddity and eccentricity, you will not get high tech industry,” Richard Florida, an American urban studies theorist focussing on social and economic theory, has written.

The English-speaking event series, Estonishing Evenings, will on 30 May take a closer look at tolerance and diversity in Estonia, aiming to find answers to the following questions: Would more tolerance bring Estonia more talent? How tolerant are Estonians? Where is the country heading, and what is at stake?

The evening will start with a presentation from Kari Käsper from the Estonian Human Rights Centre. Based on Richard Florida’s 3T-theory (Talent, Technology and Tolerance), Käsper will introduce the role of diversity and tolerance in fostering creativity and innovation in the society. The evening will continue with a panel discussion, participated in by Taavi Rõivas and Sarah and Kristiina Raud.

Read more from Estonian World and check the Facebook page of the event.

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