Report “Human Rights in Estonia 2016-2017” now available in English

Estonia is regarded as a high perfomer among its peers and is well known for its e-government. As in any country, there is room for improvements and a lot to be proud of, which makes it especially important to provide an overview that is non-partisan and relies on international human rights norms.

The report sheds light on a wide range of topics: from privacy to the rights of persons with disabilities, from freedom of expression to same-sex family rights, as well as the situation of national minorities. The non-governmental experts who have put together the report have aimed to provide an objective picture of the state of affairs in these areas, along with recommendations for improvements. Overall the picture is with human rights remains good, especially when comparing with backsliding that has taken place in some Central and Eastern European countries. However, there are also warning signs that may spell trouble in the future: rhetorical attacks against the independence of the judiciary, against NGOs and the independent media.

The report has been compiled and published in December 2017 thanks to donations from Estonian people. The translation of the report into English and its presentation was made possible thanks to the kind support of the Embassy of Sweden in Estonia. We look forward to any feedback.

Read the report here

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