Human Rights E-Guide meeting in Sofia

On 8-9 April, Kari Käsper and Iiris Viirpalu visited the Human Rights Guide seminar held in Sofia, Bulgaria, to gather knowledge on how to introduce the Guide and its new tool in Estonia and to hear about the latest developments of this project. At the seminar that brought together the representatives from Baltic countries and Bulgaria, the organizers spoke about the developments of the project and the different communication activies that have been carried out by partner organizations. In addition, the representatives planned the events to introduce new chapters and assessment tool in every Baltic country. 

At the meeting, the publication and managing of the new assessment tool platform was discussed. It is a platform where the partner organizations of the e-guide create tests on human rights themes that can be used by officials of public sector and institutions as well as students and school pupils to test their knowledge on human rights. The platform together with the new chapters will be introduced at a seminar, organized in every partner country in May. At the meeting, the partners discussed how to adapt the tool to different target groups and in what formats should the tests be actually carried out.

In addition the representatives discussed the future plans: how to move on with the guide project, how to better introduce it to wider audiences and specialists and ho to optimize the work process to ensure the smoother work flow of the partner organizations.

On the basis of Estonian Human Rights Centre’s experience, the flyer has been the most useful in sharing and spreading the guide in both bigger events and meetings. We have introduced the guide in our social media channels and newsletter as well and we are planning to continue to do so in future. Additionally, we have been able to share information on human rights in public schools in relation to the implementation of the Human Rights Report as a learning material in classes.

You will find the Human Rights E-Guide here.

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