Estonian Human Rights Centre moved to a new location

As of 11 January the Estonian Human Rights Centre is located at a new address on Parda road 4 in Tallinn (3rd floor).

Our contacts are the same as in our old office on Narva road.
The phone number of the Centre is +3726445148 and the general e-mail is

Map of the location

Since you are here...

It is important to protect everyone’s human rights, because it helps to keep stability and peace in the society. There are many challenges for protection of human rights in Estonia: intolerance has really come out of the closet. Bad things happen when good people are too passive, but together we can make a change.

Estonian Human Rights Centre is the competent, accountable and impactful independent human rights organisation in Estonia. Your recurring or one-time donation helps to stand up for human rights everywhere: in courts, in the media, in schools, in the workplace, on the streets and in governmental venues.

Donating is easy, and you can use your credit card if donating from abroad.

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