The Estonian Human Rights Centre granted consultative status with the UN Economic and Social council

This week the UN Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations recommended the Estonian Human Rights Centre for special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The motion needs to be formally approved in July by the Council itself.

“The decision taken by the UN recognises the Estonian Human Rights Centre as an independent non-governmental watchdog. However, it also obliges us to contribute to the work of the UN and continue our activity publishing the Estonian human rights report, compiling shadow reports and defending the human rights of minority groups,” explained Kari Käsper, Executive Director of the Centre.

Consultative status, which is not held by any non-governmental organisation in Estonia for the moment, provides the Estonian Human Rights Centre with access to the Economic and Social Council and other UN agencies. Communication with organisations holding consultative status with the ECOSOC constitutes a principal tool for the UN to involve the civil society in its work.

The ECOSOC is a UN organ responsible for economic and social affairs. It has been tasked to promote economic development, protection of human rights and international cooperation in various social issues as well as to coordinate the activities of the UN specialised agencies, programmes and funds. The Council initiates or carries out research, provides recommendations, prepares conventions and organises international conferences.

Read more:
The UN press release

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